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Agency for Healthcare Research Quality
Advancing Pharmacy Health Literacy Practices Through Quality Improvement: Curricular Modules for Faculty

PowerPoint® Slide Decks

The four PowerPoint® slide decks have been created for use in pharmacy courses. Each of the slide decks includes sufficient content for a 50-minute class, and can be used independently or with the other slide decks. The slide decks include breakout class activities and may be further augmented by incorporating relevant activity guides, described further in section 4 below, into the class. Table 1 below lists the 4 slide decks, the related activity guides, and which ACPE standards they map to.

Table 1: List of Activity Guides and their Application in the Curriculum

# PowerPoint® Slide Decks Activity Guides ACPE Standards
1 Health Literacy in Pharmacy: An Introduction Guides 1 - 7 12.1, 14.5, & 14.8
2 Health Literacy in Pharmacy: Communication Strategies Guides 7 - 11 12.1, 14.5, & 14.8
3 Advancing Health Literacy Practices in Pharmacy through Quality Improvement—Part I Guides 12 - 17 14.5 & 14.8
4 Advancing Health Literacy Practices in Pharmacy through Quality Improvement—Part II Guides 12 - 17 14.5 & 14.8

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AHRQAdvancing Excellence in Health Care