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Commercial Lighting

Thanks to help from the Energy Department, Washington, DC, streets are becoming brighter, saving energy and taxpayer dollars. <a href="">Learn more about DC's streetlight upgrades.</a>

Thanks to help from the Energy Department, Washington, DC, streets are becoming brighter, saving energy and taxpayer dollars. Learn more about DC's streetlight upgrades.

Solar LED Light Pilot Project Illuminates the Way in Alabama
Boaz, Alabama Mayor Tim Walker, along with state representatives and community leaders, cut the ribbon for the state's solar LED light pilot project. | Photo courtesy of Lionel Green, Sand Mountain Reporter.

The community of Boaz, Alabama, saves money by retrofitting streetlights with new lighting technology.

Resourceful Kansas Puts Energy Efficient Technology on Display, Demonstrates Cost-Saving Benefits
One of Riley County Public Works' new wind turbines. | Courtesy of: Riley County Public Works

As one of the windiest states in the country, Kansas is a great place to harness wind and solar power. And through the Department of Energy's Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant program, the Resourceful Kansas team is teaching the rest of the state about all the technologies that are out there.

A Winning Light Bulb With the Potential to Save the Nation Billions
This 10-watt alternative LED bulb (which glows white when turned on) could save the nation about 35 terawatt-hours of electricity or $3.9 billion in one year and avoid 20 million metric tons of carbon emissions if every 60-watt incandescent bulb in the U.S. was replaced with the L Prize winner. | Photo Courtesy of Philips Lighting North America

Thomas Edison would be amazed. The conventional light bulb is getting some serious competition from a 10-watt LED bulb -- the first winner of the Energy Department's L prize.