Deaf Action Center of Louisiana

AccessAmerica Video Remote Interpreting

The AccessAmerica Video Remote Interpreting project plans to install 81 new videoconferencing stations, and enhance the user experience at 19 existing stations that serve individuals who are deaf or hard-of-hearing in Northwest Louisiana, and sites in Alabama, California, and Texas. The project intends to use broadband and videoconference technology to provide on-demand, cost-effective sign language interpretation at a total of 100 community partner sites, including community anchor institutions such as hospitals, courts, public safety agencies, shelters, schools, and libraries. Each state-of-the-art video conferencing unit is expected to connect to trained American Sign Language interpreters working at a central call center or otherwise remotely.

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BTOP In Action

The Deaf Action Center of Louisiana launched a network of videoconferencing stations at the end of July 2010. The center has installed 81 state-of-the-art video-conferencing units in such sites as courts, hospitals, and libraries. These units will link American Sign Language interpreters, working at a central call center or from their homes/offices, with people who are deaf or hard of hearing. The project will also provide job skills training for people with hearing disabilities, and training for employers of workers who are deaf. A total of 100 community partner sites, including community anchor institutions such as hospitals, courts, public safety agencies, shelters, schools, and libraries in four states, will benefit from the project.

Last Updated: November 22, 2010

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