First Place

SizeUp is a business intelligence tool that shows businesses how they compare to competitors, how to make more money, outperform their competition, and find the best places to advertise. Our data comes from hundreds of sources including the Census Bureau, U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, the Bureau of Economic Analysis, IRS records, county courthouse filings, Yellow Pages and White Pages, business publications, the U.S. Postal Service, and corporate annual reports.

SizeUp provides three simple tools to make small businesses smarter:

1) Benchmark your business against the rest of your competition. SizeUp enables businesses to perform a side-by-side, apples-to-apples competitiveness comparison of their business to all other competitors in their industry from the local to national level. This industry comparison is based on numerous business, employee, location, and industry performance variables. This empowers each business to see its company’s opportunities and deficiencies so they can respond with action to perform better than their competitors.

2) See where your competitors, customers, and suppliers are located. Businesses no longer have to rely on their Rolodex, industry association contacts, or lead-generation list to understand who they can buy from and sell to. SizeUp creates geo-visual lists of businesses of potential buyers and vendors. This provides spatial insights for how to best serve existing customers, find new customers, and pick suppliers. Using multiple layers of information, businesses can determine areas with many potential customers but little competition.

3) Find the best places to advertise. SizeUp shows business owners the best areas to target their next advertising campaigns. Users can choose from pre-set reports to find areas with the highest industry revenue, most underserved markets, and where average business revenue is highest. They can also use custom demographic and business filters.


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