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View MOU

Need to download your signed memorandum of understanding (MOU)? No problem. E-Verify allows program administrators to download their electronically signed MOUs.

Images of view cases screenshot

A few things to keep in mind:

  • Program administrators for companies enrolled as employers or E-Verify employer agents can view their signed MOUs by clicking on “Edit Company Profile” in the left menu. Then click the green “View MOU” button at the bottom of the page.
  • The MOU is presented as a portable document format (PDF) file and is the version of the MOU that was originally signed at enrollment. Current version MOUs are available for download in “Essential Resources.”
  • MOUs for employers and E-Verify employer agents are electronically signed and the downloaded version indicates that the MOU was electronically signed. For employers and E-Verify employer agents that enrolled before E-Verify implemented electronic signatures (and had submitted signed MOUs via fax), the employer or E-Verify employer agent signature field on the downloaded MOU will be blank. 
  • E-Verify employer agents can view client MOU signature pages that they electronically submitted in E-Verify. MOU signature pages that were submitted by fax are not available for download.

Last updated:05/12/2011