The Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council (FFIEC) Call Report Agencies (FDIC, FRB, and OCC) collaborated to develop a secure, shared database for collecting and managing Call Report data. The Central Data Repository (the CDR), was implemented on October 1, 2005.

What is the Central Data Repository?

  • Comprehensive database for storing and managing Call Report data from more than 8,000 reporting entities

  • Integrated metadata repository that contains the rules, calculations, edits, and instructions for every Call Report quarter (beginning with the report date of March 2001)

  • Web-based tool that updates each quarter’s use of the extensible business reporting language (XBRL)

  • Web services portal with access for financial institutions, Agency personnel, Call Report software vendors, and other parties

How was the CDR developed?

The CDR implementation plan was developed in cooperation with industry representatives including software vendors, trade associations, and a number of banks from across the country that participated in the Financial Institutions Focus Group for the CDR initiative. The plan ensured a smooth integration of the new technology into the Call Reporting process.

07/17/2009 10:59 AM