CDR Annual Security Awareness Training

Are you receiving an error message when attempting to submit your institution’s Call Report data? If so, the Security Awareness Training (SAT) certificate you received last summer may have expired.

As you may recall, during global enrollment 2005, each new account holder was required to complete the CDR's online SAT prior to accessing the system. The SAT certificate expires once a year; therefore, some accounts created last summer during global enrollment have expired. If your certificate has expired it must be renewed before you will be able to successfully submit Call Report data for your institution.

In order to renew your certificate you must complete the SAT in the CDR.

If your certificate did not expire prior to submitting June 2006 data, it will most likely expire prior to submitting September 2006 data.

Please contact the CDR Help Desk if you have any questions:
Phone: 1-888-CDR-3111
Fax: 1-301-495-7864