Archive for 2005

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Improving Quality of Life by Managing Cancer Pain

A human silhouette showing pain centers in the chest area and wrist

Pain can be a harsh reality of cancer, whether the pain is related to a tumor or caused by treatment of the disease. Some studies show that 30 percent to 50 percent of patients undergoing active treatment for cancer and 70 percent of those with advanced stages of the disease experience significant levels of pain and may be reluctant to discuss their pain with their doctors.

Communication: Playing an Integral Role in Cancer Prevention, Screening and Treatment

A family tree showing inheritance of a mutated gene

When it comes to their health, people have distinctive ways of making decisions, understanding their individual risks, and carrying out recommended screening, treatment and follow-up regimens. Behavioral scientists are learning that in order to overcome the cognitive, emotional, and practical barriers to effective healthcare, doctors need to recognize their patients’ individual information-processing styles and adjust their communication styles accordingly

The Health Information National Trends Survey (HINTS)

A family tree showing inheritance of a mutated gene

In the past, patients relied on their health care providers for information and guidance on new medications and therapies. Today, patients come to their physician’s office armed with a handful of newspaper articles and computer printouts of the latest medical advances and treatments. Americans are increasingly using the Internet and all types of media to seek health information. The need to provide effective cancer-related information in this dynamic environment is challenging the mission of health care communicators.