Newborn Screening Contact Information

NBS Laboratory
Harry Hawkins

Follow-up Program
William I. Young, Ph.D.

Click here to go to this program's newborn screening website

Approximate Births by occurrence (ref. 2010 NCHS data)

Major Racial/Ethnic Groups
White: 76%
American Indian:  1%
African American: 20%
Asian/Pacific islander: 3%
Hispanic Ethnicity: 7%  (may also be included in race categories above) 

Michigan  Statute
Mich. Comp. Laws § 5431.1-6 (1999) - addresses screening requirements.
Mich. Comp. Laws § 5431.7-9 (1999) - addresses collection of additional blood sample for storage.
Mich. Comp. Laws § 5430.1-5 (2006) - addresses the creation of a NBS Advisory Committee
Mich. Comp. Laws § 5432       (2006) - addresses hearing screening
For more information click on this link: National Conference of State Legislators

Screening Requirements
Required by law on all infants, with a second test recommended if initial screen is done prior to 24 hours.

NBS filter paper form: .jpg

NBS Fee: $86.86