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Health Care Organizations


Renew a Continuous Query Enrollment

To maintain continuous querying of practitioners, you must renew your Continuous Query enrollments annually. Don't let the benefit lapse. You have the option to renew enrollments manually on an annual basis or renew through the automatic renewal process. If you choose to renew manually, you will receive a reminder email two months before the enrollments are due to expire. To help keep your enrollments organized, each month an email summary outlines your activity and alerts you to the number of enrollments requiring renewal or scheduled for automatic renewal. In addition to the renewal alerts, the summary contains information relating to new practitioner enrollments, cancellations, output not viewed, and the number of report disclosures.

Note: Prior to renewing enrollments, your Data Bank Administrator must review and certify that the practitioners being renewed are currently part of your organization, and that you are authorized to submit the renewal. You must cancel any practitioner that is no longer part of your organization. Enrollments that are not renewed within one month of the expiration date are automatically canceled.

To Renew Enrollments Manually

You can manually renew your Continuous Query enrollments by following these steps:

  1. Sign in to the Data Bank and click Query on the Options page.
  2. On the Query Options page, click Renew Enrollments.
  3. On the Renew Enrollments page, click the Renew link.
  4. On the Renew Enrolled Subjects page, select the practitioners you wish to renew and click Renew.
  5. On the Select A Payment Method page, specify how you wish to pay for the practitioner renewals (Electronic Funds Transfer, New Credit Card, or Credit Card on File), and click Continue.
  6. Complete the Submitter Certification page and specify if you want a confirmation when an enrollment is updated. Click Submit to Data Bank(s).

To Select Automatic Renewal

Prior to practitioner enrollment expirations, the Data Bank Administrator can enable automatic renewal, which will occur on the last day of the 12-month subscription period.

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