• Share your thoughts about the future of our communities!
  • Make an appointment with the
    Sustainable Communities Doctor!
    The Doctor
    Is In
  • Sustainable Neighborhoods, Thriving Residents Pre-conference Workshop
    Wednesday, February 6
  • New Partners Takes the “Parklet” Indoors in Kansas City!
  • Technology Fair
    Discover new tools for planning and public engagement!

Envision Your Sustainable Community: Let the Ideas Begin!

More sustainable communities can become a reality, but that can’t happen without your help. That’s why the New Partners for Smart Growth Conference invites you to join EnvisionSustainableCommunities.com, a new engagement website created by MindMixer, and powered by the ideas of engaged people like you.  Find out more…

Equitable Development Workshop

Wednesday, February 6th, 1:00-6:30 PM.
Arrive early to attend the popular half-day workshop focused on the most important equitable development strides that our nation is making. Explore how low-income, minority, tribal, and other overburdened communities are integrating land use and economic development strategies to renew their neighborhoods and build residents’ skills and wealth. Register for the Sustainable Neighborhoods, Thriving Residents: Strategies for Building Equitable Communities workshop today. A nominal fee applies. Find out more…

Make an Appointment with the Sustainable Communities Doctor

Do your streets need a diet? Experiencing unwanted growth? Maybe a population hemorrhage? Need an infill transplant? Have any other built environment ailments? Meet with “the doctors,” the nations leading national experts, to get your prescription to create sustainable communities through EPA’s Building Blocks Program. Find out more…

15 Dynamic Local Model Tours

Exciting tours of local projects, communities and neighborhoods from throughout the greater Kansas City region will be included as part of the 2013 New Partners for Smart Growth Conference. Find out more and register — space is limited!