National Forum Strategic Plan 2011-2014


The Forum will continue to support its current local members as they implement their comprehensive plans. Forum Working Groups will develop and offer new tools to support local implementation, and federal members will continue to fund peer-to-peer learning, offer training and technical assistance, and coordinate federal resources in support of local plan implementation.


A multi-method assessment of the Forum is currently underway. A team led by Dr. Jeffrey Butts, Executive Director of the Research and Evaluation Center at John Jay College of Criminal Justice, and Dr. Caterina Roman, Assistant Professor of Criminal Justice at Temple University, will objectively measure the effectiveness of the Forum’s ability to improve local capacity to reduce and prevent youth and gang violence. Interim results are expected in March 2012.


The Forum is expanding its outreach efforts in order to meet its key strategic goals. While supporting the success of current local members is critical, the Forum must also engage and offer value to localities across the country. Through its Web page on the website, the Forum will offer tools and resources to all communities seeking new approaches to reduce and prevent youth and gang violence. The Forum expects to attract and convene new members at the national level, particularly among the business and philanthropic communities.


A number of new localities have expressed interest in joining the Forum. The President’s Fiscal Year 2012 Budget includes a request of $6 million for the Department of Justice’s Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention to expand the current local membership of the Forum from six to eighteen localities

Figure 1