Permanent Connections

NCFY talks to two youth who take part in a unique acting group led by Washington, DC's Sexual Minority Youth Assistance League, where they learn about self-expression and identity. Time: 3:56 | Size: 3.6 MB | Transcript
Does your community’s homeless assistance system move youth (and others) into permanent housing quickly and cost-effectively, and does it help them stay there?
To mark the 40th anniversary of the 26th Amendment, which gave young people 18 and up the right to vote, Rock the Vote, the National Education Association, and SparkAction are sponsoring the first annual Democracy Day campaign, starting March 23 and lasting through June 30. To take part, sign up to receive Democracy Class, a  free 45-minute, non-partisan lesson plan geared toward older...
In a new Voices From the Field podcast, Chicago social worker Allison Elias talks about the effects of childhood trauma on transition-age youth. Elias has presented her talk "Why Is It So Hard to Move On? The Impact of Trauma on Transitioning Youth" at nearly a dozen conferences since 2008.
A former runaway and her father discuss her struggles with drug use and childhood abuse and the relationships that helped them both recover. Time: 6:48 | Size: 4 MB | Transcript
This guide is for you if you dream of starting your own nonprofit organization to give young people in your community better opportunities, but don't know where to begin. Or perhaps you're already part of a youth-serving charity and you simply need a few pointers.
Esta publicación para ambos jóvenes y adultos incluye una lista de las varias maneras en que los miembros de la comunidad pueden alistarse como voluntarios que ayudan a jóvenes sobre todo el año. Click here for the English version
Este folleto brinda consejos para jóvenes que están graduando o egresando de programas de vivienda transitoria y programas de vivienda independiente. Incluye las historias de tres jóvenes que ofrecen consejos sobre hacerse independiente, realizar sueños, solicitar ayuda y mantenerse en contacto. Los que trabajan con jóvenes pueden añadir sus datos de...
This publication for youth and adults lists the many ways community members can volunteer to help young people throughout the year.   Haga clíc aquí para leer esta publicación en español.
Among NCFY's most popular publications, this guide gives an in-depth introduction to Positive Youth Development, an approach to working with young people that encourages and empowers them. The book includes practical tips, checklists and resources for learning more.
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National Clearinghouse on Families & Youth | 5515 Security Lane, Suite 800 | North Bethesda, MD 20852 | (301) 608-8098 |