NOAA Office of Satellite and Product Operations

Suface and Hydrology Products

    Operational Products [an error occurred while processing this directive] [an error occurred while processing this directive]
Surface & Insolation Products (GSIP-fd)
The full disk GOES Surface & Insolation Products (GSIP-fd) processing system is a near real-time operational system for generating products related to Earth radiation budget and associated products, which include radiative fluxes for the shortwave, longwave, and visible portions of the electromagnetic spectrum; surface temperature; and cloud properties. Radiative fluxes are calculated for downward and upward directions at the Earth surface and the top-of-atmosphere. The primary output products are the insolation (shortwave downward surface radiative flux) and photosynthetically available radiation or PAR (visible downward surface radiative flux), which are used in predictive models of coral reef health (coral bleaching prediction) and hydrological models (e.g., solar influence on evapotranspiration).

Product Link

Sample GOES Surface and Insolation Product - Longwave downward surface flux Image

GOES Resolution: 1/8 Degree Frequency: 1-3 Hours
Surface Temperature (DPI)
Product shows false color images of derived product imagery of the temperature of the uppermost layer of the land surface (degrees K). The DPI products are generated hourly with coverage over the CONUS and adjacent ocean areas.

GOES Sounder Single Image

GOES Sounder Image Loop

Sample GOES Surface Temperature Image

GOES Resolution: 4 km (Imager) / 10 km (Sounder) Frequency: Hourly
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