Soldier Life
Army Families are Army Strong

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Army Soldier with his wife and child

Where and how will we live?

From eating to sleeping to shopping, Army life has a very normal and established infrastructure to take care of you.

soldier is greeted by his family upon returning from a deployment

Will my family be taken care of?

Medical benefits, life insurance, job assistance and even travel assistance are standard fare in the Army.

Family Living in Army Housing Area

What about our children?

Your children’s education, growth and safety are of prime concern to the Army.

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Army Soldier saluting a child

What happens to me when my soldier is deployed?

If your soldier is deployed, that doesn’t mean that you are forgotten.

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Banner Day football

What is there for us to do on Post?

An Army Post is a community. As such it is filled with much the same recreation you’ll find just about anywhere else.

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U.S. Army Soldier hugging his mother at graduation

Don’t you move a lot in the Army?

In some fields, moving can be a disorganized, haphazard exercise. In the Army, it’s something that’s been perfected over time.

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Army Families

Gary Sinise: Standing behind every soldier is a family of husbands and wives, sons and daughters, brothers and sisters, fathers, mothers.

Female voice one : I think an Army community has an incredible bond, when Chris is deployed I have that incredible support network.

Gary Sinise: They wear a different uniform, football jerseys, business suits, first pairs of shoes. Theirs' is a uniform of strength, the strength to put a nation of families before their own.

Male voice (recorded): ... I miss you so much and I love you, goodnight ... hugs and kisses (mmmaahh {sound of kiss}) (Childs laughs)

Gary Sinise: The strength of courage, integrity, and sacrifice while the people closest to them are so far away. The strength of our soldiers comes from the strength of their families.

Gary Sinise: Together they are the strength of our nation. Which is why the U.S. Army will do everything it can to keep Army families Army strong.

Male Voice one : We get the pride of going on a mission and doing a good thing for the country, their left with memories of things we did together and they wait for us to come home.

Male teenager: are you going to be able to come to my football tryouts?

Male voice telephone: I'll be able to come out there for football.

Male teenager: sweet!

Female voice two: I'll feel like I have a sense of family and that I have a sense of community. We grieve when a Soldier deploys together, and then we rejoice when they return together.

Female voice one: All Army Families are strong in their own way. The best thing about being an Army wife is Pride, I have never been so proud in all of my life.

Female Voice three: Seth, you wanna go get your Daddy? (laughs) Come on Bubba, let's go get daddy.

Gary Sinise: Families are strong. Army families are Army Strong.