Photo Examples

Head Position & Background

Incorrect | Correct | Suggestions
Head Too Big
Correct Head Size

Crop the image so that the head size matches the size requirements on the Photo Composition Template.
Head Too Big Correct Head Size
Head Too Small
Correct Head Size

Crop the image so that the head size matches the size requirements on the Photo Composition Template.
Head Too Small Correct Head Size

Not Centered

Correct Head Position

Re-crop the original image so that the head is centered in the frame or take a new photo with the head centered.
Head Not Centered Correct Head Position
Not Facing Camera

Head Facing Camera

Look straight ahead at the camera. Profile photos will not be accepted.
Head not Facing Camera Head Facing Camera
Head Tilted

Correct Pose

Keep your head upright and face the camera. Do not tilt your head.
Head Tilted Correct Pose
Image Rotated

Correct Orientation

Use a photo editing tool to rotate your image 90 degrees to the left or right so that it is oriented correctly.
Image Rotated Correct Orientation
Glare on Glasses

No Glare on Glasses

Glare on glasses is not acceptable. Glare can be avoided with a slight downward tilt of the glasses or by removing the glasses or by turning off the camera flash.
Glare on Glasses No Glare on Glasses
Background Not Plain
Plain Background

You must use a white or off-white background in your photo. Use a plain wall or a photographer’s backdrop cloth.
Background Not Plain Plain Background

Brightness, Contrast & Color

Incorrect | Correct | Suggestions
Photo Too Dark
Correct Brightness

Ensure there is proper lighting and exposure to avoid an overly dark photo.
Photo Too Dark Correct Brightness
Contrast Too High
Correct Contrast

High contrast can be caused by uneven lighting or by inappropriate camera settings. Use balanced lighting to minimize shadows on the face of under the chin.  
Contrast Too High Correct Contrast
Improper Color
Natural Color

Photos are affected by the type of light used. Avoid mixing incandescent and fluorescent lighting. The color balance selected on the camera should match the illumination.
Improper Color Natural Color

Exposure & Lighting

Incorrect | Correct | Suggestions
Over Exposed
Correctly Exposed

Over-exposure occurs when the film or camera sensor receives too much light, which results in a loss of resolution or fine detail in highlights and more graininess.

Avoid exposure problems by using the recommended light arrangement and diffuse the light sources.
Over Exposed Correctly Exposed
Under Exposed
Correctly Exposed

Under-exposure occurs when the film or camera sensor receives too little light, which results in loss of detail in shadows.

Avoid exposure problems by using the recommended light arrangement and diffuse the light sources
Photo Too Dark Correct Brightness
Shadows on Background

Background Uniformly


Shadows on the background can be reduced or removed by positioning a back-light below the person and pointing up and by minimizing the distance between the person and background.

Shadows on Background Background Uniformly Illuminated
Shadows on Face
Face Uniformly Illuminated

To reduce shadows on the face,avoid overhead lighting and make sure the lights on either side of the person are of equal intensity.
Shadows on Face Face Uniformly Illuminated

Resolution & Printing Quality

Incorrect | Correct | Suggestions
Low Quality: Discernible Pixels
High Quality:Non- Discernible Pixels

Image quality and resolution are directly related. The higher the resolution on your digital camera, the better the image quality. You should not be able to see individual pixels in the image, even if the image is enlarged on a monitor.
Low Quality: Discernible Pixels High Quality: Non-Discernible Pixels
Low Quality: Visible Coarse Dot Pattern

High Quality: No Visible Dot Pattern


Digital printers have variable resolution settings, and the highest quality settings should be selected so your photo does not appear fuzzy or grainy.

Low Quality: Visible Coarse Dot Pattern High Quality: No Visible Dot Pattern
Poorly Focused
Properly Focused

The person’s face should be the point of focus in the photo. You may have to adjust the distance or zoom to properly focus the person in the photo
Poorly Focused Properly Focused