LIHEAP Eligibility Criteria

May 8, 2012
Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP)

Income Guidelines

The LIHEAP statute establishes 150 percent of the poverty level as the maximum income level allowed in determining LIHEAP income eligibility, except where 60 percent of state median income is higher. Income eligibility criteria for LIHEAP may not be set lower than 110 percent of the poverty.

The Federal government issues the poverty levels as the HHS Poverty Guidelines and state median income as State Median Income Estimates. Updates of both the HHS Poverty Guidelines and State Median Income Estimates are published each winter in the Federal Register.

As of October 1, 2011 (the beginning of FY 2012), the 2011 HHS Poverty Guidelines and State Median Income Estimates for FY 2012 were in effect for LIHEAP.

Categorical Eligibility

Under the law, LIHEAP grantees have the flexibility of serving households having at least one member who also receives assistance under any of the following Federal programs (referred to as categorical eligibility):

Other Eligibility Criteria

LIHEAP grantees have the flexibility of serving only those income eligible households that meet additional LIHEAP eligibility criteria, such as passing an assets test, residence in non-subsidized housing; or receipt of a utility disconnection notice.