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Translation of Portuguese Terms in Brazil List of Yellow Fever (YF) Recommendations by Municipality and State

The Brazil Ministry of Health has recently expanded the list of municipalities for which yellow fever vaccination is recommended in the four southeastern states of São Paulo, Paraná, Santa Catarina, and Rio Grande do Sul.For the complete list of states in Brazil where yellow fever vaccine is recommended, see CDC Yellow Fever Recommendations for Brazil.

To determine if yellow fever vaccination is recommended for a specific municipality in Brazil, you may consult the following list of yellow fever vaccine recommendations, organized by municipality and state (PDF). To more easily use this list of Brazilian municipalities, which contains terms in Portuguese, see the following legend for English translations:

1. Translation of terms

Portuguese English






Region (geographic part of country)


Classification (for YF vaccination)

Area com recomendação de vacina

Area for which YF vaccination is recommended

Area sem recomendação de vacina

Area for which YF vaccination is not recommended

2. Brazil state abbreviations

  1. AC - Acre
  2. AL - Alagoas
  3. AM - Amazonas
  4. AP - Amapá
  5. BA - Bahia
  6. CE- Ceará
  7. DF – Distrito Federal
  8. ES - Espírito Santo
  9. GO - Goiás
  10. MA - Maranhão
  11. MG - Minas Gerais
  12. MS - Mato Grosso do Sul
  13. MT - Mato Grosso
  14. PA - Pará
  15. PB – Paraíba
  16. PE – Pernambuco
  17. PI - Piauí
  18. PR - Paraná
  19. RJ - Rio de Janeiro
  20. RN - Rio Grande do Norte
  21. RO - Rondônia
  22. RR - Roraima
  23. RS - Rio Grande do Sul
  24. SC - Santa Catarina
  25. SE – Sergipe
  26. SP - São Paulo
  27. TO - Tocantins
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