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Start Using Quick Health Data Online Quick Health Data Online is an interactive system that provides reliable and easily accessible health data to help assess needs, develop programs, and inform policies. The system is for anyone looking for US health data and is used by the public health community, policymakers, grant writers, researchers, and students.

The system provides state- and county-level data for all 50 states, the District of Columbia, and US territories and possessions. Data are available by gender, race and ethnicity and come from a variety of national and state sources. The system is organized into eleven main categories, including demographics, mortality, natality, reproductive health, violence, prevention, disease and mental health. Within each main category, there are numerous subcategories.

Spotlight: February is American Heart Month

February is American Heart Month. The Office on Women’s Health has developed the Make the Call. Don't Miss a Beat. Campaign, accessible at http://womenshealth.gov/heartattack/. The campaign is intended to increase awareness of seven symptoms of heart attack and calling 9-1-1 in response to having one or more of the symptoms.1

According to the Office on Women’s Health Heart Disease Fact Sheet, the following are risk factors for heart disease in women: “obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure, and lack of physical activity.” 2 The fact sheet also notes potential ways of reducing the risk of developing heart disease: managing stress; abstaining from smoking; limiting alcohol consumption; testing for diabetes, high blood pressure, elevated cholesterol, and triglyceride levels; and staying at a healthy weight by healthful eating and exercise.3

Quick Health Data Online provides several types of data related to heart disease risk factors, morbidity and mortality. The site includes information on topics such as:

2001 and 2009 female coronary heart disease death rates.  Click for more details.

Quick Health Data Online provides data for men and women as well as race and ethnicity and can be used to assess differences in behaviors, risk factors, and mortality among various population groups over time. Data can be used to generate tables and maps such as these, which present age-adjusted coronary heart disease death rates for females and age-adjusted coronary heart disease death rates for males adobe logo. Additional Chart features in the system can present data in horizontal or vertical bar charts, with trend lines, or in pie charts.

1Make the Call, Don’t Miss a Beat Campaign, available online at the Office on Women's Health website: http://www.womenshealth.gov/heartattack/
2Heart Disease Fact Sheet, Do Women of Color Need to Worry About Heart Disease?, available online at the Office on Women's Health website: http://womenshealth.gov/publications/our-publications/fact-sheet/heart-disease.html#c
3Heart Disease Fact Sheet, What Can I Do to Prevent Heart Disease?, available online at the Office on Women's Health website: http://womenshealth.gov/publications/our-publications/fact-sheet/heart-disease.html#d


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