Participating in Clinical Trials

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What is a clinical trial?
  2. What are the different types of clinical trials?
  3. What is a treatment trial?
  4. What is a screening trial?
  5. What is a prevention trial?
  6. What is a diagnostic trial?
  7. What is a quality of life trial?
  8. What are the potential benefits of taking part in a clinical trial?
  9. What are the risks of taking part in a clinical trial?
  10. Why should older adults participate in clinical trials?
  11. Are there enough older adults participating in clinical trials?
  12. What keeps older adults from participating in clinical trials?
  13. What are the phases of a clinical trial?
  14. Who sponsors clinical trials?
  15. Where do clinical trials take place?
  16. How do I find a clinical trial?
  17. How do I get into a clinical trial?
  18. Can healthy people volunteer for a clinical trial?
  19. What is a protocol?
  20. What are inclusion and exclusion criteria?
  21. What is a standard treatment?
  22. What is a placebo?
  23. What is a control group?
  24. In a treatment trial, can I ask to be in the experimental drug group?
  25. What are side effects and adverse reactions?
  26. What is informed consent?
  27. What organizations exist to protect participants in clinical trials?
  28. Can I leave a clinical trial after it has begun?
  29. How much does it cost to be in a clinical trial and will my insurance cover it?
  30. Why would a clinical trial be stopped early?

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