Important Technical Note: Select each image below to load a high-resolution image in your browser (175K-200K JPEGs). You must use your horizontal scroll bar to view the entire image. In some instances, Netscape browsers may load extremely wide panoramics to the right of the viewing window. America Online users should be aware that the AOL browser will only permit you to see a thumbnail version of the high-resolution panoramics. To defeat this feature, open Preferences "Prefs," and select "Uncompressed Graphics."

In order to view the panoramics as Quick Time VR Panoramics click here for Quick Time 4 . With Quicktime 4 you experience a true interactive media, you can zoom in and out, resize the image and pan from side to side and up and down.

Note on Printing: While the small images shown in this exhibit may be printed from the web in their entirety, enlarged images shown on this exhibit, due to the shape of panoramic photography, can not be printed on one page. To save an image to your computer, click the button on the right side of your mouse and select "save link as." To obtain a reproduction of an image, print the citation information provided in the exhibit, and contact us.

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