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Radiation Treatment Medication Package Inserts

The Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education (ORISE) maintains a repository of clinical information and data on calcium and zinc diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid (DTPA) and ferric hexacyanoferrate, also known as Prussian Blue.

Calcium-DTPA and zinc-DTPA are injectable chelating agents used to enhance the excretion of plutonium and other transuranics from the body. Prussian Blue binds to radioactive cesium and thallium in the stomach, thereby enhancing their excretion from the body.

Package inserts are available for radiation treatment pharmaceuticals calcium-DTPA, zinc-DTPA and Radiogardase (Prussian Blue). To view these files, you will need the Adobe Acrobat Reader, which can be downloaded free from the Adobe Web site.