  • Many believe that the only place in the United States where there is a threat of an earthquake is on the west coast. However, 45 states are actually at a moderate to high risk for earthquakes so it is important for everyone to plan and prepare for this type of disaster.

    The following resources from U.S. Government agencies and nonprofit organizations can help you deal with this type of emergency.

    Background information on earthquakes in general as well as resources for additional information

    What you need to know to deal with safety issues after an earthquake
    (Centers for Disease Control)

    What you need to know to deal with safety issues after an earthquake
    (Centers for Disease Control)

    Advice on what to do before, during and after an earthquake
    (American Red Cross)

    Health tips for you and your family
    (U.S. National Medical Library and National Institute of Health)

    Earthquakes can also trigger fire, landslides and/or tsunamis.