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Microscope IconAbout HIV
Today HIV is treatable. People living with Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) can plan for a normal lifespan if they stay on treatments and take care of their heart health.
Woman IconHIV and Your Risk for Cardiovascular Disease
By learning about your increased risks, you'll understand why it's important to create new healthy habits. Change your future and live a long and healthy life.
Caduceus Medical Symbol IconHIV Health Management for Maximum Wellness
With good medical care and a desire to reach your goals for wellness, you can have a virtually normal lifespan, even with HIV. Learn how to improve your health one change at a time.
Capsule and Tablet IconHIV Medications
Most people take HAART therapy to control the virus and stay healthy. Learn about how these medications work and why cardiovascular risks may change while on HAART therapies.
Doctor and Stethoscope IconYour Healthcare Team
Although HIV can be a scary diagnosis, you can look forward to a bright future. Learn how you can actively work with your doctor to manage your health.
Clipboard and Medical Tablet IconHIV Tools & Resources
View all of our HIV videos in one place on our resources page. Learn more about our experts and find a downloadable HIV wellness checklist, too.
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Learn about HIV and Cardiovascular Disease and
track essential health goals with the  interactive
wellness checklist. Download for iPad or iPhone.
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