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Announcing Dispute Resolution Skills Training for FOIA Professionals

Conventional wisdom holds that August is quiet in Washington, D.C. While we at OGIS cannot attest to that — it seems we are busier than ever this month — we suggest that August is a great time to learn something new, namely, FOIA dispute resolution skills!

We will present our Dispute Resolution Skills for FOIA Professionals training program on Tuesday, August 30, at the National Archives building in Washington, D.C. This free all-day training session is a fun, interactive way to learn how to resolve conflicts with FOIA requesters and agency staff. This training is open to any agency FOIA staff member who is interested in developing dispute resolution skills. If you fit this description and you are free on the 30th, please email as soon as possible — this training session fills up quickly!

If you are a requester and you are interested in training from OGIS, don’t despair. We will soon announce an opportunity to meet with OGIS staff to learn more about how you can better use the FOIA process.