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Cassini iPhone App

Cassini iPhone App

Cassini App Now Available

NASA’s Cassini mission launched in 1997 and has been exploring the Saturnian system from orbit since July 2004. Currently in its second extended mission, Cassini continues to unravel mysteries about Saturn and its atmosphere, rings and magnetosphere, and its moons, particularly Titan and the icy satellites.

'Available on the App Store'
The Cassini iPhone App is available now.
The Cassini app was designed to give an overview of the spacecraft’s current activities, starting with the latest dramatic images. These images range from sublime insights into another ‘set of worlds,’ considering the moon Titan itself has been called the most earth-like body in our solar system. Also included in the app is the ‘Present Position’ of the spacecraft, as well as a countdown to the next major event – usually a spectacular targeted flyby of one of Saturn’s moons. At each stage, more in-depth information is only a click away.

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Spacecraft 3D

NASA's Spacecraft 3D is an augmented reality (AR) application that lets you learn about and interact with a variety of spacecraft that are used to explore our solar system, study Earth, and observe the universe. Using a printed AR Target and the camera on your mobile device, you can get up close with these robotic explorers, see how they move, and learn about the the engineering feats used to expand our knowledge and understanding of space. Spacecraft 3D will be updated over time to include more of the amazing spacecraft that act as our robotic eyes on the earth, the solar system and beyond!

Cassini now included.

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