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Reporting Delay References

Clegg LX, Feuer EJ, Midthune D, Fay MP, Hankey BF. Impact of reporting delay and reporting error on
cancer incidence rates and trends. J Natl Cancer Inst 2002;94:1537-45. [Full TextExternal Web Site Policy]

Midthune DN, Fay MP, Clegg LX, Feuer EJ. Modeling reporting delays and reporting corrections in cancer registry data. J Am Stat Assoc 2005;100(469):61-70. [View AbstractExternal Web Site Policy]

Zou J, Huang L, Midthune D, Horner MJ, Krapcho M, Feuer EJ. Effect of reporting year on delay modeling. Statistical Research and Applications Branch, National Cancer Institute; 2009. Technical Report #2009-01. Available here.

Reporting delay models used in the reporting of AIDS cases:

Brookmeyer R, Damiano A. Statistical methods for short-term projections of AIDS incidence. Stat Med 1989;8:23-34.

Harris JE. Reporting delays and the incidence of AIDS. J Am Stat Assoc 1990;85:915-24.

Pagano M, Tu XM, De Gruttola V, MaWhinney S. Regression analysis of censored and truncated data:
estimating reporting-delay distributions and AIDS incidence from surveillance data. Biometrics 1994;50:1203-14.