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An official website of the United States Government.

Our Director Top Priorities

For 2012, Director Berry has set out five priority areas for OPM:

  1. Retirement processing. The delays experienced by recent retirees are unacceptable.  By following through on our strategic plan, OPM aims to eliminate the current backlog in retirement applications, so that 90 percent of retirees will receive their full annuity payments within 60 days of retirement by July 2013.
  2. Performance management. OPM is leading by example in implementing the Goals, Engagement, Accountability, and Results (GEAR) framework developed by the National Council on Labor-Management Relations.  The GEAR framework will help managers and employees clarify expectations, work together as teams, and ensure accountability for delivering better results for the American people.
  3. Diversity and Inclusion. By Executive Order, OPM is the lead agency on increasing Diversity and Inclusion in the Federal workforce. By recruiting from every segment of American society, and making sure that everyone can contribute to their full potential, we’ll create a workplace that works for everyone.
  4. Multi-State Insurance Plan Preparations. OPM’s longstanding success in administering the Federal Employees Health Benefits program led Congress and the President to assign us the responsibility to administer the Multi-State Plans set out in the Affordable Care Act.  OPM will be setting standards and ensuring that multi-state plans provide good coverage to consumers.
  5. Building Federal Careers. By sustaining Hiring Reform progress, streamlining and revitalizing our student and recent graduate pathways into government, and emphasizing mentorship programs, OPM will make it easier to begin and develop careers in the civil service and ensure that our workforce has the skills needed to serve the American people in the 21st Century.