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You are here: Methods > Laboratory methods
Faunal and floral census (microscopic)
Records of counts of the different microscopic species in a core, soil, sediment, rock or water sample to determine geologic age or other characteristic of the sample. Use for microscopic examinations.
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Farm ponds as critical habitats for native amphibians [More info]
Constructed farm ponds represent significant breeding, rearing, and overwintering habitat for amphibians in the Driftless Area Ecoregion of Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Iowa. Links to fact sheet, brochure, annual reports, field manual, and final report.
PDF Methods for processing and imaging marsh foraminifera [More info]
Special handling must be used because these one-celled organisms break down easily if dried, and the scientific analysis is enhanced by identifying smaller specimens. Shows how they are sampled, prepared, and studied using optical and electon microscopy.
PDF Microbial ecology of deep-water mid-Atlantic canyons [More info]
Plan for an upcoming study, at the microbiological scale, of the benthic communities (including corals) that reside in and around mid-Atlantic canyons, which are located at the edge of the continental shelf.
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