Articles Posted in ‘Colorectal cancer’

The Role of Fecal Occult Blood Testing in Colorectal Cancer Screening

Credit: NCI

Each year nearly 150,000 people in the U.S. are diagnosed with colorectal cancer and around 50,000 die from the disease. Studies have shown that when performed every one to two years in people ages 50 to 80, fecal occult blood tests (FOBT) can help reduce the number of deaths from colorectal cancer by 15 to [...]

Coffee Intake and Risk of Colorectal Cancer in Singapore Chinese

White cup full of coffee with saucer and spoon

Drinking two cups of strong coffee a day may protect habitual cigarette smokers from developing advanced colon cancer, according to a population-based study of Singapore Chinese, funded by the National Cancer Institute and conducted by researchers from the University of Minnesota.

Colorectal Cancer Treatment Options

chemotherapy drugs in vials

Colorectal cancer mortality rates have been declining in the last decade. Along with screening, advances in colorectal cancer treatment have played a pivotal role in reducing mortality rates. Surgery, traditional chemotherapy and newer targeted therapies have been important tools in treating this disease.