1255 results for TVA | Refine search
680 Online Holdings
  1. Pdf document icon
    National Archives Identifier: 2432071
    HMS Entry Number: UD 07D 1
    Creator(s): Department of Defense. Department of the Navy. U.S. Marine Corps. (09/18/1947 - )
  2. Pdf document icon
    National Archives Identifier: 2432064
    HMS Entry Number: UD 07D 1
    Creator(s): Department of Defense. Department of the Navy. U.S. Marine Corps. (09/18/1947 - )
    :TVA Division at XD 9175 north of the eagimentfs 21 I7A (B•mc) and accounmted for 5 TVA KTAo i, On 2 Larch, the action dinirldshed
  3. WWW PDF icon
182 Description Only
  1. National Archives Identifier: 532816
    Local Identifier: 142-T
    Creator(s): Tennessee Valley Authority. (1933 - )
    The Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) is a corporation created by an act of May 18, 1933 (16 U The TVA has built a system of dams on the
  2. National Archives Identifier: 567543
    HMS Entry Number: PI 18 145
    Creator(s): Department of Agriculture. Forest Service. Office of the Assistant Chief Forester. (1935 - ca. 1966)
    Camp Monroe, AL -- Time Reports Box 29: Camp TVA-13, AL -- Communications -- Cooperation Box 30: Camp TVA-13, AL -- Equipment -- Inspections Box 31: Camp TVA-13, AL -- Leave -- Personnel Box 32: Camp TVA-
  3. National Archives Identifier: 598854
    Creator(s): U.S. Congress. Joint Committee to Investigate the Tennessee Valley Authority. (04/04/1938 - 1939)
    for the committee by the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) divisions and others are among the records, along Supreme Court decision upholding the constitutionality of the TVA, President Franklin D Roosevelt's message dismissing TVA
152 Archives.gov
219 Presidential Libraries
22 NARA's Authority Records
  1. Board of Directors of the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA), charged that dissension existed among the Board and had been inefficient and uneconomical administration of the TVA Act