102 results for "freedom rides" | Refine search
51 Description Only
  1. National Archives Identifier: 5549798
    HMS Entry Number: P 47
    Creator(s): Department of Justice. Federal Bureau of Investigation. Richmond (Virginia) Field Division. (1935 - )
  2. National Archives Identifier: 952297
    HMS Entry Number: P 12, P 13, (...)
    Creator(s): Department of Justice. Office of the Deputy Attorney General. (05/24/1950 - )
    of Investigation informant Gary Thomas Rowe during the "Freedom Rides" in 1961; the alleged misdeeds of Secretary of
  3. National Archives Identifier: 2839288
    Local Identifier: 200.1695
    Creator(s): Hickman, John R., donor
14 Archives.gov
37 Presidential Libraries