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Facts & Figures

Highlights of IRS statistics available on this site include:

IRS Data Books: These contain files of data on collecting revenue, enforcing the law, assisting taxpayers and managing the system. Each Data Book table is in its own file. There is also a PDF file for each year's complete Data Book.

Weekly Filing Statistics Reports: These weekly reports contain data that track the filings of individual income tax returns on a weekly basis throughout the tax return filing season with a final report available towards the end of the year.

Tax Stats Home Page: This has links to all Statistics of Income (SOI) tables and articles, in various groupings — by IRS activity (Collection, Exam, etc.), by topic or by SOI publication series.

Projections: These forecasts of the number of returns to be filed for tax forms within the individual, tax-exempt and business areas may be found in various Projections publications or SOI Bulletins.

Individual Tax Stats: These are links to individual return data assembled in various ways. In some cases — such as county data, migration data or ZIP code data — the link shows an example of the files that can be ordered and/or the procedures for ordering data from SOI. Other links — such as state income data — contain links to available SOI data.

Statistics of Income Bulletins: These quarterly Bulletins contain articles and data releases on a wide variety of topics.

Page Last Reviewed or Updated: 02-Aug-2012