Picture of Prescription Drug Poster
Raises awareness of the health consequences of improper use of prescription drugs and contrasts it with the benefits of safe and proper prescription drug use.
Picture of Heads Up: Real News About Drugs and Your Body- Year 10-11 Compilation for Students
A collection of articles to teach middle and high school students the repercussions of abusing prescription drugs—both pain medications and stimulants. Learn the difference between their proper use and abuse. Get the facts about their dangers. Separate facts and myths. See Also: Year 10-11 Compilation for Teachers and the Prescription Drug Abuse Poster.
Picture of Heads Up: Real News About Drugs and Your Body – Year 10-11 Compilation for Teachers
A booklet of skill-building extension activities to help your middle and high school students understand how prescription pain and stimulant medications can be both lifesaving and dangerous. Includes individual lesson plans, worksheets, Q&A, multiple choice quizzes, and other resources. Complements the student companion piece. See Also: Year 10-11 Compilation for Students and the Prescription Drug Abuse Poster.
Picture of Explorando La Mente: Las Respuesta del Cerebro a los Medicamentos de Prescripcion
El abuso de los medicamentos de prescripción ocurre cuando se toman sin que el doctor los haya recetado o si se toman de una manera o en una cantidad diferente a como fueron recetados. El abuso de los medicamentos de prescripción puede tener efectos graves y nocivos para la salud, incluyendo la intoxicación o el envenenamiento, e incluso la muerte.
Picture of Mind Over Matter: The Brain's Response to Prescription Drugs
Explains how prescription drugs, when used improperly, can cause addiction and other harmful health problems.
Picture of Selected Prescription Drugs With Potential for Abuse (Chart)
Offers a list prescription drugs commonly abused, including depressants, opioids and morphine derivatives, and stimulants, and provides their common and street names, how they are generally administered, and their potential health effects.
Picture of Serie de Reportes:Medicamentos de Prescripcion Abuso y Adiccion Prescription Drug Abuse & Addiction
Examina el uso no médico de medicamentos de prescripción (los opiáceos, los depresores del sistema nervioso, y los estimulantes) y describe los efectos adversos para la salud de su uso y la prevención y el tratamiento de la adicción a estos medicamentos.
Picture of NIDA Research Report Series: Prescription Drugs Abuse and Addiction
Examines the non-medical use of prescription drugs-opioids, central nervous system depressants, and stimulants-describing adverse health effects of their use and the prevention and treatment of addiction.

Prescription Drug Abuse Lesson Kit

A kit to educate teenage students about the health consequences of improper prescription drug use. The kit includes enough copies for 30 students.