Soldier Life
Family Living in Army Housing Area


When you look forward to moving to a new Army Post, there are always some concerns about the schools at your new location. Some Army Posts operate their own schools, especially overseas, but most of the time children will go to school in the local community. Each Army installation has a school liaison officer who is there at your new Post to help you with any concerns you have and to assist your child’s transition to a new school. This person provides information concerning area public and private schools, including the school year’s start and end dates, the grading system, eligibility and graduation requirements, and school record transfers.


If you’ve been to a library before, you won’t be disappointed going to one on the Post. Most military installations have one. They will vary in size and features, depending on the size of the Post. Libraries offer a wide range of books, magazines, newspapers, movies, computer software and even video games for checkout by authorized patrons. Libraries often run special programs, such as reading for children, and many have special film events or groups that discuss best-selling books or special topics.

Child, Youth and School Services

Children need something more than just schools and libraries. They need activities, programs and organizations to keep them involved and active. Child, Youth and School Services provides comprehensive child and youth programs to foster social interaction, promote personal growth, and develop educational and recreational skills for children from infants through 12th graders. These programs are supported by the installation and offer diverse, flexible activities to meet the needs of Army families both on and off Post. 

Child care offers quality options with various types of service, location and hours of operation. On most Posts, three types of child care are available: Child Development Center (CDC), Family Child Care Home (FCC) and Youth Services (YS) programs. 

The CDC provides full, part-time, and hourly care for children from six weeks old to five years of age. FCC providers have child-care spaces available in their homes. Elementary school age, middle school and teen programs are handled through the YS programs.