Picture of Serie de Reportes: La Metanfetamina Abuso y Adiccion Methamphetamine Abuse & Addiction Report Series
Proporciona un resumen general de los últimos descubrimientos científicos sobre la metanfetamina, incluyendo las consecuencias a la salud a corto y largo plazo, los efectos sobre el embarazo y posibles opciones de prevención y tratamiento.
Picture of Mind Over Matter: The Brain's Response to Methamphetamine
Explains how methamphetamine acts in the body and the brain and what happens with long-term use of the drug.
Picture of NIDA Research Report Series: Methamphetamine Abuse and Addiction
Provides an overview of the latest scientific findings on methamphetamine, including short- and long-term health consequences, effects on pregnancy, and potential prevention and treatment options.