Picture of Serie de Reportes:Medicamentos de Prescripcion Abuso y Adiccion Prescription Drug Abuse & Addiction
Examina el uso no médico de medicamentos de prescripción (los opiáceos, los depresores del sistema nervioso, y los estimulantes) y describe los efectos adversos para la salud de su uso y la prevención y el tratamiento de la adicción a estos medicamentos.
Picture of NIDA Research Report Series: Prescription Drugs Abuse and Addiction
Examines the non-medical use of prescription drugs-opioids, central nervous system depressants, and stimulants-describing adverse health effects of their use and the prevention and treatment of addiction.
Picture of NIDA Research Report Series: Cocaine Abuse and Addiction
Describes the latest research findings on cocaine, exploring the scope of abuse in the U.S., its potential long- and short-term health effects, maternal cocaine use, and treatment approaches.
Picture of Mind Over Matter: The Brain's Response to Cocaine
Explores with young teens how cocaine changes the way nerve cells communicate in the brain and the negative effects the drug can have on the body.