Picture of Commonly Abused Drugs Card
Lists substances of abuse, including tobacco, alcohol, illicit and prescription drugs, listing their common and street names, how they are generally administered, and their potentially harmful health effects.
Picture of Drugs: Shatter the Myths
Answers teens’ most frequently asked questions about drugs and abuse with scientific facts and engaging images.
Picture of Principios de Tratamiento para la Drogadiccion: Una Guia (Principles of Drug Addiction Treatment)
Presenta los principios de tratamientos de drogadicción basados en investigaciones para una variedad de drogas, incluyendo la nicotina, el alcohol, las drogas ilícitas y los medicamentos de prescripción, principios que deberían ser tomados en cuenta por los programas de tratamiento y servicios de toxicomanías.
Picture of Principles of Drug Addiction Treatment: A Research-Based Guide
Presents research-based principles of addiction treatment for a variety of drugs, including nicotine, alcohol, and illicit and prescription drugs, that can inform drug treatment programs and services.