Picture of Serie de Reportes: Cocaina Adiccion y Abuso - Research Report Series Cocaine Abuse and Addiction
Describe los últimos resultados de las investigaciones sobre la cocaína, y explora el alcance de su uso en los EE.UU., sus efectos sobre la salud a corto y largo plazo, el consumo de cocaína durante el embarazo y enfoques de tratamientos.
Picture of NIDA Research Report Series: Cocaine Abuse and Addiction
Describes the latest research findings on cocaine, exploring the scope of abuse in the U.S., its potential long- and short-term health effects, maternal cocaine use, and treatment approaches.
Picture of Mind Over Matter: The Brain's Response to Cocaine
Explores with young teens how cocaine changes the way nerve cells communicate in the brain and the negative effects the drug can have on the body.