GIDB® Clients >> Downloadable | Browser-based | PDA-enabled

Average Annual Precipitation
Average Annual Precipitation
Downloadable Client

For the typical Windows user:
GIDB Windows Installer (45.34 Megabytes)

(BETA) For Mac Users (open disk image and drag the GIDB icon to Applications folder):
GIDB Mac Disk Image (10.34 Megabytes)

For the advanced user/users of non-Windows (Linux) platforms:
GIDB Executable JAR file (4.2 Megabytes)

Support Files (for executable JAR file/Applet)
DMAP Certificate for key requests
Java 3D for 3D function (Windows DirectX)
Java 3D for 3D function (Windows OpenGL)
Java Comm files for GPS (Windows)

GIDB Mapping Application Plugins

Plugins provide additional functionality to the GIDB mapping application. The auto-updater of the application will update your plugin files. The tables below list all available plugins. To download a plugin, click on the download file and save to your local PC. The recommended directory in which to save plugins is <GIDBClientInstallDirectory>/Plugins (default is "C:\Program Files\GIDB 2 Client\Plugins"). See the embedded help documentation within the GIDB mapping application or the online GIDB help documentation for more details about using plugins.

File Input Plugins

Supported Extensions
Download File
.baseThis is a reader for reading the tiled vector files.2.0214.7 kB BaseMapInputPlugin.jar
tiff, tifNRL-SSC GeoTIFF reader - ONLY guaranteed to work with GeoTIFFs exported from GIDB Portal Client2.026.5 kB GeoTIFFInputPlugin.jar
GIDBImage.zipThis is a reader for the GIDBImage format files that the GIDB client outputs.1.062.9 kB GIDBImageInputPlugin.jar
GIDBMap.zipThis is a reader for the GIDBMap format files that the GIDB client outputs.1.186.6 kB GIDBMapInputPlugin.jar
GIDBVector.zipThis is a reader for the GIDBVector format files that the GIDB client outputs.1.082.9 kB GIDBVectorInputPlugin.jar
gsr, rsr, fsr, jsrThis plugin has been designed in compliance with GSR Standard 2002GSR1.012.2 kB gsr.jar
ovlRead plume model2.04.7 kB HPACPlugin.jar
.quadtree,.group,.qtzip,.groupzipThis is a reader for the gidb vector tree formats.1.00136.0 kB quadtreeplugin.jar
shpThis plugin is reads shapefiles1.0746.0 kB shapefileinputplugin.jar
txtRead features from a text file2.035.4 kB TextFilePlugin.jar
tilefolderflagThis reads tiled layers1.2230.4 kB TileServerClient.jar

File Output Plugins

Supported Extensions
Download File
tifWrites raster layers to .tiff GeoTIFF files1.065.5 kB GeoTIFFOutputPlugin.jar
GIDBImage.zipWrites raster layers to files (internally stored as png or jpg and reloadable)1.203.6 kB GIDBImageOutputPlugin.jar
GIDBMap.zipWrites vector and raster layers to files1.136.0 kB GIDBMapOutputPlugin.jar
GIDBVector.zipWrites vector layers to files1.113.7 kB GIDBVectorOutputPlugin.jar
GIDBVector.txtWrites vector layers to plain-text .GIDBVector.txt files1.03.8 kB GIDBVectorPlainTextOutputPlugin.jar
shpWrites vector layers to shapefiles2.2354.5 kB ShapefileOutputPlugin.jar

Drawing Plugins

Download File
This plugin is used for bathymetry analysis1.0028.1 kB BathymetryPlugin.jar
This is the default vector layer visualizer in GIDB client1.2248.3 kB DefaultVisPlugin.jar
This plugin is a test for Demo1.0066.3 kB DemoProjectPlugin.jar
..0.1260.6 kB geosymplugin.jar
Plugin to display tracks.1.0024.9 kB JEODDrawingPlugIn.jar
This plugin is a test of the moving objects drawing scheme using HSWG symbology1.1240.0 kB MovingObjectsDrawingPlugin.jar
This plugin is used for visualization of PUMA data1.0028.1 kB PUMAPlugin.jar
This plugin is used for visualization of SediMap sediment data1.0028.1 kB SediMapPlugin.jar
This is a reader for rendering the tiled vector files.2.0127.9 kB VisualizationPlugin.jar

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