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MeSH® Category V Terms: Change in Treatment from MeSH Heading to Publication Type During Year-End-Processing for Both MEDLINE® and NLM Catalog - e2
Details on how this change will impact searching.
[Article updated on January 29, 2007]
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Changes to OLDMEDLINE Records - Status Tag Change - e3
OLDMEDLINE scanning and conversion project.
[Article updated on October 23, 2006]
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MEDLINE® Turns 35! - e4
Take a walk down memory lane and celebrate 35 years of MEDLINE.
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PubMed® Celebrates its 10th Anniversary! - e5
Milestones in PubMed's evolution to becoming an essential biomedical resource.
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PubMed's® AbstractPlus Display: Success and Changes - e6
Future change to library icon in AbstractPlus display.
[Article updated on April 30, 2007]
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RefSeq Accession Numbers in MEDLINE® - e7
RefSeq accession numbers added when an article reports new data added.
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PubMed Central®: New Journals Participating and New Content Added - e8
New journals participating and content from already participating journals has been added.
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MEDLINE®/PubMed® End-of-Year Activities - e9
Activities include changing MeSH headings on existing MEDLINE citations to agree with the 2006 version of MeSH, changes to Supplementary Concept Substance Names, and other global changes.
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Issue Completed October 27, 2006
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