United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission - Protecting People and the Environment
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About NRC

NRC Mission

To license and regulate the nation's civilian use of byproduct, source, and special nuclear materials in order to ensure the adequate protection of public health and safety, promote the common defense and security, and to protect the environment.

NRC's regulatory mission covers three main areas:

Reactors - Commercial reactors for generating electric power and research and test reactors used for research, testing, and training
Materials - Uses of nuclear materials in medical, industrial, and academic settings and facilities that produce nuclear fuel
Waste - Transportation, storage, and disposal of nuclear materials and waste, and decommissioning of nuclear facilities from service

The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) was created as an independent agency by Congress in 1974 to ensure the safe use of radioactive materials for beneficial civilian purposes while protecting people and the environment. The NRC regulates commercial nuclear power plants and other uses of nuclear materials, such as in nuclear medicine, through licensing, inspection and enforcement of its requirements.

» Video: Inside the NRC
» NRC: Who We Are and What We Do PDF Icon

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Page Last Reviewed/Updated Thursday, March 29, 2012