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Home » Grants and Funding » Special NEI Application Guidelines

Special NEI Application Guidelines

Note that as grant mechanisms transition to electronic submission at on the SF424 (R&R), the NIH will be issuing mechanism-specific omnibus solicitations. In those cases where the NEI deviates from the omnibus guidelines, the appropriate information will be presented as a link associated with the omnibus on the Funding Opportunity Announcements (FOA) section of the NEI Grants and Funding website. This page will not duplicate links that are available in the FOA section.
Listing of all Grant Mechanisms Supported by the NEI

Applied Clinical Research

Research Career Development

Please note that for K series awards, the NEI does not impose any special cap on salary requests beyond that imposed legislatively. Please consult the Health and Human Services Salary Cap Summary page for the current level.

Department of Health and Human Services NIH, the National Institutes of Health