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Race to the Top Fund

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Frequently Asked Questions

As grantees continue to make progress implementing their Race to the Top plans, the U.S. Department of Education has released Race to the Top (RTT) Grantee FAQs. This document includes new guidance that was developed after RTT grants were awarded and also includes updates to relevant FAQs from the application document titled "Race to the Top FAQs" (May 27, 2010).

Race to the Top Grantee FAQs download files PDF — February 8, 2011

Race to the Top FAQs download files PDF — May 27, 2010

The Race to the Top FAQs (PDF) that were originally published on November 24, 2009 have been updated to include the new FAQ published in Addendum 9 (PDF). In addition, please note that:

  1. The FAQ in Addendum 8 (PDF) , published on May 20, clarifies how a State may include indirect costs in its Race to the Top budget.
  2. FAQ K-16a, which was published on May 5 as part of Addendum 7 (PDF), clarifies the guidance on conditional commitments in MOUs between a State and its participating LEAs. States with any such MOUs should be sure to read this FAQ.

The Department would also like to correct recent newspaper reports which incorrectly indicated that States do not have to give all LEAs the option to participate in the State's Race to the Top application. These reports are wrong. FAQ K-2a, which was published on December 18, 2009, and remains in effect, specifies that "All LEAs in a State must have the opportunity to participate in the State's Race to the Top application if they commit to implementing "all or significant portions" of the State's plan and meet the other requirements that the State established for participating LEAs... States cannot select participating LEAs or limit LEA participation by using demographic or geographic characteristics or by setting up a competition to determine which LEAs may participate. Nor may they use their authority to establish requirements to set up a situation that, in effect, amounts to such a restriction or competition." This guidance applied to the Phase 1 competition and is unchanged for the Phase 2 competition.

Related FAQs from other programs

Title I School Improvement Grants
Because the Department has fully aligned the school intervention requirements and definitions between Race to the Top and the Title I School Improvement Grants program, States may find the School Improvement Grants FAQs especially helpful.

State Fiscal Stabilization Fund program, Phase 2
download files MSWord (156K)

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Last Modified: 02/10/2011