United States Department of Veterans Affairs

Volunteering in Research

Brochure cover: Volunteering in Research These educational materials are for Veterans who may be asked to take part in a VA research study. These materials provide basic information about VA research and summarize Veterans' rights and welfare. The materials cover topics such as:

  • What is a research study?
  • Are there benefits to being in a research study?
  • Are there risks or side effects in a research study?
  • What questions should I ask before I agree to take part in a research study?
  • What is informed consent?


The brochure provides veterans with a balanced view of VA research and summarizes veterans' rights and welfare if they decide to participate as subjects. It is available in local VA Medical Center Research & Development Offices.
- Order the printed brochure
- Download a web-friendly version (1.8 MB, PDF)


- View the video.
- Read the video transcript.
- You will need Windows Media to view this video.


Designed for patient waiting areas and examination rooms, this poster contains several questions veterans may want to ask before agreeing to take part in research. Posters are available in English and Spanish. See Order Form for more information.

If you have any questions, concerns, or complaints about VA research, or if you would like to talk to someone about the VA research program, please contact your local VA Research & Development Office.

To find the telephone number of your local VA Research & Development office, you can search by location in the VA Research and Development (R&D) National Directory.