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Submit Scientific Information Packets

In addition to your comments, The Effective Health Care (EHC) Program is interested in receiving scientific information packets (SIPs) that are relevant to the questions raised within our comparative effectiveness reviews. The EHC Program is dedicated to using research methods to evaluate the quality of research studies and the evidence derived from their findings. These methods are used, for example, to gather knowledge on the comparative effectiveness of certain treatments for specific medical conditions. To ensure that it has full access to relevant research, whether or not it is published, the EHC Program is interested in receiving SIPs containing detailed study-specific information (e.g., pertinent elements of study protocols and findings) from industry stakeholders, professional societies, or other interested researchers.

Please refer to the Scientific Information Packet Guidelines for further instructions on requested materials for SIPs.

Notice to Organizations Submitting Scientific Information Packets -
February 12, 2010:

The EHC Program is improving its processes for requesting and receiving SIPs. These packets can be submitted via a Web site link, which is activated when the key questions are finalized. The SIP Web site link remains open for at least a 6-week period following its activation in order to allow adequate time to submit the materials.

Requests for SIPs will also be sent to relevant organizations when the Web site link is activated. Organizations that wish to identify an individual or individual(s) to receive these requests for SIPs may complete an online information form at any time before the SIP Web site link is activated.

There are no topics accepting SIPs at this time. If you would like more information about submitting an SIP, send an e-mail to the Effective Health Care Program.