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Math » Algebra

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Question #2 of 'Properties of Parallelograms',... Find the values of AB and x when BC=26, CD=22, and DA=2x+12.

Collected Learning Units in Mathematics provides more than 200 instructional units in arithmetic, algebra, calculus, data...

Riemann zeta function

MathDL provides Java applets, interactive modules, and Flash presentations for studying...

Our solar system is a series of bubbles within bubbles -- plasma within magnetic fields separated from each other by huge, flowing sheets of electric currents.

The Physics Front provides selected resources for teachers of high school physics. Hundreds of lessons...

Take a equilateral triangle, divide each side into 4 segments. Then connect the each vertex to division points on the opposite sides as you observe.

InterMath is designed to help middle school teachers deepen their understanding of math concepts...

National Security Agency

National Science Foundation

National Science Foundation

National Science Foundation
  See All 21 Algebra Resources  

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