United States Department of Veterans Affairs

Legal Resources

Cooperative Research and Development Agreements (CRADAs)

During 2007, NPCs began transitioning from clinical research agreements to Cooperative Research and Development Agreements (CRADAs) to formalize sponsored research relationships between VA, NPCs and commercial companies. Comprehensive information about CRADAs, including VA models, is available on the VA Technology Transfer web site. On the NAVREF web site, see also: http://www.navref.org/library/CRADA/CRADAs.htm

OGC Corporations Panel

The Office of General Counsel (OGC) maintains a panel of VA attorneys who are available to review draft clinical research agreements negotiated between NPCs and private-sector study sponsors as well as other NPC legal matters.

Compendium of General Counsel Opinions

Selected opinions pertinent to the VA-affiliated nonprofit research and education foundations. Each opinion is unique to the question asked, the facts and the law at the time the opinion was rendered.

Other VA Counsel Opinions

Legal Reference Materials

State and federal laws and regulations applicable – and not applicable - to the VA-affiliated nonprofit research and education corporations as well as clinical research agreements between NPCs and private sector sponsors.

Legal Reference Materials

  • Federal Statutes
  • State Statutes
  • Federal Laws and Regulations Generally NOT Applicable to VA Affiliated Research and Education Corporations