Identity Theft: What To Do, What To Know

Do you know what to do if your identity is stolen? What steps can you take to protect your identity? Knowing what to do is important because an identity thief can hijack your tax refund, alter your medical records, prevent you from getting credit or a job, and even borrow money in your child's name.

The Federal Trade Commission has created a new suite of materials that explains what you can do to protect your identity and how to act fast to limit the damage identity theft can cause:

 Taking Charge Guide

a guide with sample letters, forms, and essential contact information

 Identity Theft Trifolda short brochure with key tips


a booklet for parents on how to recognize child identity theft — a new twist on this crime


three short videos


Go to the FTC's Identity Theft Website to read, download, share, print and order the new resources in bulk.


I am victim if identity tieft and it's very serious they steel all name license give license some I e and charge money drop to them delver open business a under my name and working got mo ey I am not working and not got no ey at all even onmy name for them selfe open new licenced and medical doctor sertificate on my name and STOL from me nm by mushe rand exhusband and now from state send me money ti open business and marketing they stolen open business and marketing and change Owen name on my name as exhusband also and made a lot money and no his license at all all my and I can't rent good apartm because no tax return all they keep and not give to me without tax no good apartm and their debt put on me and Medicare my use and bill and credit debt go to me they reject me exclude from job as billing for job it's very seriou with no body hapens only with me because exhusb to all people recommends take her and pay money to him?

Thank you. The audio and print data is very helpful. I am aware of identity theft and do screen bank statements as well as credit card statements. It is unfortunate that HIPAA privacy can become public information. I have a physician who is also a computer engineer and safeguards his practice. I also have a pharmacy that meets and/or extends their customer privacy. I always heed your advice. Again, thank you.

I have a stolen identity and identity theft.What to do then?

Hi, Cara,

Please read our article, Identity Theft, which covers the basic steps you need to take right away if your identity has been misused. We also have a step-by-step guide that covers the many different aspects of repairing idenitity theft. For videos, and other resources, please visit the FTC's Identity Theft Website.

I am refugee in Sweden and I havent nothing to my Identity ..What can I do?

Please send me any pertinent information. As this matter is of the greatest importance. Thank you.

Barry Jacobs

Hi, Barry, all of our identity theft resources are online. Visit If you need copies to hand out at an event, you can order them at

Thank you for your advice. It is refreshing to know that people still care for victim of ID theft. This is an experience I will not wish for my worst enemy. It is stressful and degrading.

Last week I presented to a business group how to avoid and defend Identity theft, I only had 15 Min: The business leaders present was Attorneys,Bankers,Insurance agents and many others they had so many questions I ran out of time they want me to set up more meetings and they will let there customers know the next date. I directed them to the website and hand out DETER-Detect-Defend Avoid Identity theft
I want to thank FTC for the material and the video I will continue to be a spokes person and hope to reach San Diego County
ELias DeHerrera (San Diego CA

Am i the only one in the whole world who is totally sick to DEATH at the twenty million wonderous and so greatly helpful websites and links of where to go and what to do in case of identity theft and another twenty million of them explaining so carefully that its all bunk, how to "avoid" identity theft and fraud and the nineteen thousand links of who to get ahold of to fix it all....all by yourself and absolutely zero of these same website tell you A PERSON... A REAL LIVE BREATHING INDIVIDUAL outside of the attorney that you hire and pay for, of course, WHO IS THE ONE READY AND WILLING TO DO IT, OR AT LEAST MOST OF IT,, FOR YOU...PROTECT YOU, HELP YOU. GET IT DONE... NOT EVEN ONE.... ZERO OF THEM.....

My daughter is almost 6 years old, and I have contacted SS over 4 times (since only limited number of cards are issued it restricts me). I have not once received her SS card even after verifying they have the correct address. Recently I started receiving strange phone calls and that's when I felt the worst. My child was a victim of ID theft. I wanted to write this to make aware that ANY age is acceptable to ID theft...

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