Follow up on Customer Feedback

Once you’ve collected feedback from your customers, the final step is to make changes based on this feedback. There are seven key steps to follow through on making improvements:

1. Prioritize improvements

The customer feedback you collect may highlight a number of areas that require change. Organize these from highest to lowest priority, so the most important issues can be addressed first. Consider urgency, importance to your agency’s mission and priorities, and customer preferences. Also realize that the things most important to your customers may be different than internal agency priorities—so agency priorities may need to adjust to better meet customer expectations.

2. Develop an action plan

Document your plan for making improvements. Include specific activities and the resources required, both human and material. Identify key stakeholders who will support making changes.

3. Re-engage senior leadership

Their support is critical for success, keep senior leaders involved throughout the entire process.

4. Act quickly

Keep people engaged by moving quickly and start making changes as soon as you can, before your organization loses momentum.

5. Consider both small and big steps

Big changes can take time and may be difficult to implement, so consider taking smaller steps early on, or launch pilot programs prior to a larger-scale adoption.

6. Report back to customers

Let customers know that their voices have been heard, and that their feedback is driving improvements. This will encourage customers to remain engaged and continue to give you helpful feedback.

7. Consider follow-up feedback collections

Now that you know where the problems are, consider collecting additional customer feedback targeted to those areas most in need of improvement.



Content Lead: Alycia Piazza
Page Reviewed/Updated: August 6, 2012

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